Chef vs Puppet: Comparing DevOps Tools

Puppet is an open-source system management tool for centralized and automated configuration management. It has a built-in declarative language for describing system settings. Even though some Chef Automate tools make most of the work easier, it is still not that easy to learn. Ruby is not a popular language and has fewer resources available than other programming languages such as Python, Objective C, etc. It has many features, including those that can help define, pack, and deliver applications. You do not have to install any additional software for all these tools to work.

What is the Chef tool used for?

Chef can manage a variety of node types, including servers, cloud virtual machines, network devices and containers. It manages Linux, Windows, mainframe and several other systems. The tool is intended to enable developers and IT operations professionals to work together to deploy applications on IT infrastructure.

The core server environment (shown above) and the client environment make up the Puppet environment. There is a Puppet master store on the primary server environment where all configuration files are kept. An unattended installation medium, a shell script that sets the necessary values, or maybe a version-controlled directory have all been examples of this automation.


A Chef recipe is a file that groups related resources, such as everything needed to configure a web server, database server, or a load balancer. A recipe can be included in another recipe, may use the results of a search query and read the contents of a data bag (including an encrypted data bag). It must be added to a run-list before it can be used by the Chef Infra Client. It is always executed in the same order as listed in a run-list.

Chef is a Ruby based configuration management tool used to define infrastructure as code. Whether you’re operating in the cloud, on-premises, or in a hybrid environment, Chef automates how infrastructure is configured, deployed, and managed across your network, no matter its size. Chef is a declarative configuration management and automation platform used to translate infrastructure into chef certification devops code. This enables a development and deployment process with better testing, efficient and predictable deployments, centralized versioning, and reproducible environments across all servers. A chef is an open-source configuration management tool that uses Ruby to develop essential building blocks like recipes and cookbooks. It focuses on writing code instead of using the manual process.

Advantages of Ansible

To solve this, a configuration management tool, Chef, was introduced that enabled infrastructure management. Chef is also an open-source cloud configuration that converts system management tasks into transformable definitions, otherwise known as cookbooks and recipes, hence its name. It makes it possible to automate numerous manual procedures and transform infrastructure into code. Chef makes it easier to manage and configure a company’s servers effectively.

  • When a cookbook is uploaded to the Chef server, the new version is compared to the one already stored.
  • A DevOps professional installs the Chef Development Kit (Chef DK) on a workstation to define components and interact with the Chef Server.
  • Its upstream project, Ansible, benefits from the experience and intelligence of its thousands of global contributors.
  • The Finance wanted to know the true value of an application and the security wanted to view and audit all stacks that were able to track changes.
  • Ohai collects system configuration data to be used in cookbooks and is required to be present on every Chef node.

Additionally, Berkshelf, the dependency manager for Chef cookbooks, is installed. The Chef server provides a communication pathway between the workstations where the infrastructure coding takes place, and the nodes that are configured by those workstations. All configuration files, cookbooks, metadata, and other information are created on workstations and stored on the Chef server. The Chef server also keeps a record of the state of all nodes at the time of the last chef-client run. Chef is an open-source configuration management tool that automates DevOps procedures and jobs across several servers. Due to its automation and configuration capabilities, Chef DevOps is also renowned as a Server Configuration and Automation tool.

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